A Doctor of Physical Therapy that specializes in Dance Medicine.
For the past 20 years, I have taught dancers how to implement dance injury prevention strategies to eliminate recurring muscle and joint issues.
As a past competitive top award dancer, I know the demands that are placed on the dancer's body. I also know that dancers are athletes...
...so, it is essential that dancers have injury prevention strategies to implement consistently to overall BEST train a dancer.
Knee control and alignment are critical as a dancer, yet I continually see dancers in my clinic with knee strains and issues that are keeping them from dancing more effectively or even at all.
The 5 Essential Things You Must NOT Do as a Dancer to Protect Your Knee A Guide for Dancers is helpful to understand more about your knee placement so that you can keep your knees safe.
It will guide you through several considerations that you can implement right away!
There are many rehearsals and competitions coming up that lead to the increased demand on the muscles and joints of the knee as a dancer.
The information in this Guide is the start of understanding what you need as a dancer to consider implementing to keep your knees strong and healthy vs.
sitting out or quitting.
This Guide is for those dancers who want that extra knowledge to excel. (OR, are tired of having knee injuries).
Without this FREE Guide, you might unfortunately continue to have issues or suffer from further injuries or surgery in the future...
With it, you can help gain the upper edge, while enhancing your overall performance!
This offer could come down at any time, so grab this FREE GUIDE now to train like a TOP dancer and prevent knee injuries...
...especially with classes, competitions/conventions, performances, and recitals
this year!